Timber fencing problems vary from a few tatty palings to a major building exercise. As a rule, you won’t ever have much trouble with a properly built fence, but there’s always the exception. Time, neglect, and terrain can cause problems. We’re going to give you a few useful tips about fencing issues and solutions.
Everyone’s seen a timber fence that looks like it’s on its last legs. The fence is really dilapidated, leaning, or perhaps actually falling to bits before your eyes. The timber looks terrible, rotten, or weathered to a grey colour. These problems are a virtual map of fencing issues:
The most important thing to know about fencing problems is that the best solution is the one which delivers a good, solid, properly built fence. Half-baked repairs, in fact, are the main cause of fences falling to bits. The best options are to do a thorough job of repair, of replace the fence.
The other critical issue for property owners is to recognise the value of a good fence. Good fencing looks good, creates an effective barrier, and adds value. Whether you’re the owner of a rural property or a suburban home, the best fix is a well-built, no-nonsense fence that will last for decades with almost no maintenance.
When repairing or replacing a fence, also consider the opportunities. You can add some privacy, a gate or two, and your inner space will have a major asset with which to work, with landscaping, backyard features, or whatever you want.
Whenever you want top quality fencing in Queensland, Sunstate Timbers is your all-round solution for everything you need. Check out our range of great Australian timber fencing and ask our experts for any help you need.
Contact the Sunstate Timbers team on (07) 3171 8430 or via our online form for quality advice.
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